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Unlocking the Power of Facilitation Skills for Charities

Sep 15, 2023
Facilitation is a skill that goes far beyond simply managing meetings. In the fast-paced world of charities, where time, resources, and people are often stretched thin, we believe facilitation can be the secret sauce that sets organisations apart. And, people with those skills will increasingly be in demand.
In this blog, we'll explore why learning facilitation skills is a game-changer for those working in charities.
1. Productivity Enhancement
Charities deal with urgent and vital societal issues and every minute counts. Good facilitation ensures that meetings are not only more productive but also result in richer discussions and concrete progress toward your goals. By continually developing your facilitation skills, you can streamline your meetings, freeing up valuable time and resources.
2. Fostering Collaboration
Facilitation is a catalyst for collaboration within your teams and across your organisation. It empowers teams to work together seamlessly, pushing them towards the impact you're aiming for. Imagine your fundraising team collaborating across disciplines to co-create new products. Or working hand-in-hand with the communities you serve to develop better services. Facilitation is the key to making this happen.
3. Equity and Inclusion
Inclusion and equity are incredibly important values for charities. Facilitation plays a crucial role in ensuring that everyone's voice is heard and valued. Say goodbye to meetings dominated by a select few. A skilled facilitator creates a level playing field, where diverse perspectives are not only encouraged but also celebrated. This leads to more well-rounded decisions and a stronger sense of belonging among team members.
4. Intentional Progress
Facilitation is about being intentional in your interactions. It ensures that every meeting, every interaction, and every project moves towards your goals. It's a powerful tool for making progress purposefully and consistently, which is particularly important when budgets are tight and social issues are growing in urgency.
5. Shaping Organisational Culture
Meetings are a significant part of our work lives, and they shape organisational culture. Facilitation provides an opportunity to mold that culture deliberately. By using facilitation techniques, you can create a culture of collaboration, inclusivity, and productivity within your team and organisation.
6. Building Strong Relationships
Facilitators aren't content providers; they are relationship builders and space creators. They ensure that participants feel heard and valued, strengthening relationships within teams and fostering trust. This trust is invaluable in the charity sector, where partnerships and collaboration are vital for success.
Can you see how elevating your facilitation skills could help you and your team to succeed? Why not take a quick free taster of our Facilitation for Impact course now? You’ll get a feel for how learning with us will support you in your work, and pick up some great ideas for starting meetings well in the process! Sign up here now.